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Foggy Bottom Cabins - The Adventure

It is fourth of July weekend and what better way to spend it than a weekend getaway with amazing Ch8sers, on an fun filled adventure led by Ch8se Champion Awesome Ay Jay?

This was another epic adventure in so many ways that it could not be summed up by one person. The weekend was full of joy, healing, unity, sisterhood, and belly aching laughter. Ay Jay set out on a mission to own the title of most waterfalls ch8sed in one adventure, and she did just that. This weekend, actually, July 3, 2021, goes down on record to be the most waterfalls visited on one ch8se, and the title is owned by our one and only, Awesome Ay Jay Jones.

This is Rainbow Falls. Isn't she lovely. We also visited: Upper Bear Falls, White Waterfalls, an unknown waterfall, Looking Glass Falls, Turtle Back Falls, a private waterfalls, that Ay Jay named, End of The Rainbow falls because it was behind Rainbow Falls, of course, and Twin Falls, all in one day. Pure awesomeness Ay Jay, pure awesomeness.

The amazing love and pure shenanigans that unfolded during this weekend were priceless. We can write about it and attempt to translate all of the goodness in this blog; however, this was one of those "you had to be there" experiences that left us all with forever memories that make us smile and even laugh out loud whenever we think of it. It was one of those times that you didn't want to walk away from. You know it was like a real good bear hug that you never wanted to end. It was good. Keep reading, some of our ch8sers share their point of view below. Deb

Awesome Ay Jay worked her magic and planned the most amazing, challenging and entertaining weekend.

We were blessed to hike to eight beautiful waterfalls, explore downtown Brevard and hang out at Foggy Bottoms Cabins. What more can a girl ask for?

Everything about this weekend was absolutely magical. From the strenuous hike to Rainbow Falls to the campfire shenanigans and lets not forget the almost special appearance from Michael Jackson. The love, laughter and stories that were shared was absolutely priceless. I laughed until I almost peed my pants. This weekend was exactly what I needed at the time. I thank God for allowing my path to cross with such a fun loving group of women

This group of women will protect, love you unconditionally and show you a good time . What are you waiting on? Come and join us for a ch8se.

Until next time peace, love and waterfalls. Written by Rhonda Stover-Griffin


Wow, what a weekend of hard work, beautiful waterfalls and positive energy. When I say, I had the time of my life, I

mean that. The women that attended this Ch8se were dynamic. Our Awesome Ay Jay had our every moment planned out and boy were we in for an adventure. This weekend proved to be the Ch8se with the most waterfalls, 8. We hiked until we couldn’t hike

anymore then we gathered around the fire pit at Foggy Bottom Cabins to eat, laugh, cry laughing and laugh some more.

The joy that came from this trip is forever etched in my heart. Since, I was the youngest CH8SER, somehow I was put in charge of 13 fun filled, signing, laughing and dancing Ch8sers. Now that was a task.

These ladies showed me how to truly enjoy the company of women without drama, competition or gossip. I can honestly say “ain’t no Ch8sers like ones I got”.

Written by Paula Dobbs


Moonlight Ch8se @ Looking Glass, Pisgah Forest, NC, notes from cabin 3 aka “The Kool Kids” according Ay Jay! Camille – Driver & unofficial Photo/Videographer , Tanna – DJ & Co-pilot

Stacy – Culinary Engineer & Quiet Storm, Lauren – Tech Guru & Observer

After having dinner, and a few adult beverages, the group agreed to revisit Looking Glass Waterfall. “But Ay Jay, we’ve been to this waterfall already!” Her response was “but you haven’t seen it at NIGHT!” Yes ma’am! Sometimes you just go along with the bully…I mean the Ch8se champion…and trust her judgement?!

We piled into Luna (my Pathfinder)! Eight Ch8sers! Oh, and did I mention these Sistas got some HIPS! Thankfully though, as the driver, my seat was secured! The 5-mile ride to the waterfall was HILARIOUS! The car karaoke vibe was everything! XM radio was playing some 90s R&B Jams and of course everyone thought they were auditioning for American Idol! Even when we lost radio signal the deeper we got into the woods, they were still singing on point and didn’t miss a beat or note! It was priceless! And apparently the second vehicle with the other 5 passengers had a similar vibe!

The shenanigans at the Looking Glass intensified! Those who could safely navigate the stairs down to the waterfall floor, did just that! They embr8ced the beauty of Looking Glass, reflected on the events of the spectacular day and inhaled the magic of the full moon rising. In retrospect, I think these ladies were escaping the tomfoolery of the Ch8sers who remained at the upper overlook!

Back at the top, Ch8se Champions, Deborah, Rhonda and Ay Jay along with Reesie, Auntie Lynn and Little Kim are cracking up! They were taking turns imitating each other. I could not resist capturing videos and pictures of some of the antics! They laughed so hard about everything and nothing! My knees were weak from all the laughter and genuine SiStar vibes. “You not goin’ follow the leader?” “This is my Ch8se!” “This is MY Ch8se!” “My name is Alicia Jones, and I am a Ch8se Champion and this is Ch8se Champion Chronicles!”

Trust me y’all had to be there!

Ch8se lead Ay Jay suddenly realized that from the top, she could not see the rest of the group! She grew genuinely concerned that she wanted to go down to see them for herself. but I was not about to let her go down those stairs just yet! “Ay Jay, they are fine…Trust me! I can see them. They are on the bench.”

“Chasers! Chasers! But why they not responding? ”WHOOTY WHO!” Crickets! “Whooty Who on 3! 1, 2, 3! WHOOTY WHO!...Shhh Shhh! Ahh Sh@$T, they didn’t say nothing! Do you hear them? Maybe they don’t know the code!” LMAO! I didn’t sign up to babysit grown folks today but ok…I had to go down to the waterfalls, took pictures to prove to the bunch that all was well!

About 20 minutes later, right at dusk, armed with our headlamps and flashlights, myself and the swaggering six descended to the base of Looking Glass Falls. Ay Jay was right! Looking Glass was even more magical at night! As the darkness enveloped the gorge, the waterfalls appeared to glow. The sprinkling droplets appeared as glitter or pixie dust. It was a welcoming reprieve as my stomach was in pain from all that laughter! The waterdrops must have had healing properties because Ay Jay led a wonderful and well executed breathing exercise! Yes…a breathing and meditation session!

True story!

Written by Camille Prawl-Pettway

Ch8sing Waterfalls is running on love, dedication and the strongest sisterhood I have ever known. We are continually increasing our visibility, empowering healing, forging diversity and yes, changing the narrative. We are also restoring our faith in humanity and in healthy relationships with each ch8se we take. The phenomenal black women who choose to embr8ce the ch8se are forever impacted and healed, in sometimes unmentionable ways.

For this and so many more reasons, I am grateful to be the captain of this ship.

Deborah McGlawn

Here are pieces of the weekend. Again, you simply had to be there!