"The first time standing in front of the waterfall was breathtaking!!! The sound and the beauty, I was in Aw!!!.... but to discover it with my best friend was a bonus, the thrill, conquer and excitement of the hike was a plus for us making memories, priceless!"
— Tammie

"Deb's mission and idea has flourished."
— Donna

"If you haven't done a ch8se, you don't know what you are missing. Ch8sing Waterfalls."
— Lynn

"Ch8sing Waterfalls is more than a commune with nature. It’s a chance to test your personal boundaries, reflect on your inner spirit and release. We start out enjoying a beautiful adventure in nature and come home relaxed, released and rejuvenated. Along the way we spread black girl magic on each other and everyone we meet along the way. We leave anger, worry and “I can’t “ behind, thus each adventure is unique. amazing and therapeutic. I 💕 Love 💕 Ch8sing Waterfalls."
— Vernetta

Ch8sing Waterfalls are wonderful adventures in nature! You can always find a little peace while on the outing. The scenery is awesome and the fellowship with new and old friends makes it even better!
— Sharon
"What an awesome time Ch8sing Waterfalls with my Sistah!!! I love exploring the outdoors, new places and being one with nature. My inner child has come alive so I am so thankful for these wonderful experiences and the memories I am making."
— Lynn
"I have totally enjoyed myself on the 2 Ch8ing Waterfalls trips that I have done so far. It is a great opportunity to see nature and bond with my fellow women. I look forward to many more experiences Ch8ing Waterfalls."
— Synita

"Each time it's a wonderful & unique experience. Awesomeness at it's Maximus!"
— Kimberly
Nature, fresh air, beautiful waterfalls, exercise and fellowship with wonderful people!! Have thoroughly enjoyed each hike and waterfall experience that Deborah McGlawn has organized and look forward to adding many more to my hiking adventures for 2018 and beyond!
— Diana

"I am a fan of Ch8sing Waterfalls. I got out here and forgot how old I was. I got to the top of the hill, and got clarity. That's what happens with Ch8sing Waterfalls, you get clarity."
— Tonya

"I can feel the presence of the Lord with these amazing women and these amazing waterfalls."
— Tabitha

"For my first Ch8sing waterfalls, I was so nervous meeting the group but Deborah welcomed me with open arms and she let me roll in her car lol !! This was the BEST outing I ever had. We prayed together, and had fellowship while eating together. Experiencing nature together and the Sisterhood is so powerful and inspirational. I am blessed to be in this group, it is the best group ever🏆🏆♥️♥️🍁🍁"
— Shlinda