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The Finale Was Fab ~ Ch. 28 ~12.14.19

When I check the national map and see that 40 women have RSVP'd for the ch8se, unlike two years ago, I did not get overly excited. I was elated, blessed even, that 40 women considered spending their Saturday embracing the ch8se with us. Though, it isn't until we show up at the ch8se location that the excitement truly kicks in. You see the ch8se location actually reveals the authors of that days chapter. We respect the fact that life happens, and intentions change, and though 40 would have been great, the 22 were perfect, actually the 25 were orchestrated. Keep reading, you'll get it.

The number 22 is considered as one of the most powerful numbers, able to turn all dreams and desires into reality. The number 22 is a number of precision and balance. In its full capacity, this number is the master builder, which means that it provides the power to achieve almost impossible things.

Even beyond the 22 women, we were accompanied by two honorary male ch8sers, Larry & Tim. The husbands of Rhonda & Janice, joined this ch8se and were appreciated by all. This was a pre-planned ch8se first, and one that added an extra element of support and comfort for each lady who welcomed the helping hand of these two nice guys. So in essence we had 25 ch8sers.

Number 25 brings us the intuitive, curious essence. 25 also contains symbolism that represents relationships, personal freedom and companionship. Number 25 helps us get into our own mind and self, because it is a symbol of introspection.

You see, a universal orchestration, at its finest.

Chapter 28 started months ago with the planning, advertising, preparing, and praying. This ch8se was lead before by our Remarkable Rhonda, and once again she accepted the lead on this one. She and her husband scouted the route, and did the complete recon for us, by which I am totally grateful. Thank you again, Mr. Griff and Rhonda, you two are the best. It is ideal to scout the route prior to leading a group of ch8sers, and of 25 ch8ses, we've done just that. This time; however, my schedule was nuts, and doing a recon prior to the ch8se was extremely challenging; therefore, Larry and Rhonda Griffin were our chapter 28 MVP's. This ch8se unfolded on 12.14.19, shutting down the final ch8se of 2019 in the most cathartic manner ever.

During the planning stages, I have all of these ideas, and considerations for each ch8se in hopes of landing them with careful precision. This was no different. Knowing this would be the last ch8se of 2019, and revisiting this location, this ch8se champion knew that we would leave it all behind, with the release ceremony on the bridge. This ch8se champion also planned to raffle three items, welcome the new ch8sers, and position the ladies to embrace the ch8se.

Ya'll know I can talk a lot, right, so often times, when doing our talk before the walk, instead of the women always hearing me chatter, I invite a seasoned ch8ser to help share the mission of GirlTrek. This ch8se our Jovial Jenn accepted the invitation and of course nailed it so eloquently. Invoking the participation of each ch8ser, beyond their name introductions helps share the shine of our many talented sistas. Jenn presented beautifully. She is a phenomenal wordsmith and a true seed planter. She blesses me with every hug and kind word spoken, every time. I love me some Jenn. We check shoe laces, adjust hiking poles, and share our super hero names. Our remarkable Rhonda prepares us by explaining the route, the terrain, and hike expectations.

Before we head into the woods, it was important to me that each lady understand the true meaning of embracing the ch8se, so I elaborated. Surprisingly, our Amazing Althea recorded this portion of the talk before the walk. And I am so glad she did. Explaining it is one thing, but to see and hear it for yourself is something entirely different. I hope that hearing it helps you too understand the meaning of what it is to embrace the ch8se. Here, listen for yourself.

You see, it is one thing to hike to a waterfall, but let me tell you, it is a magical phenomenon to go beyond a hike and embrace the ch8se. Ch8sing Waterfalls affords you the opportunity to embrace the ch8se. To embrace the ch8se is to acknowledge and enjoy the green space, the smells, the sounds, the sights. To embrace the ch8se is to invite peace and welcome healing. To embrace the ch8se is to support the sisterhood, while respecting her space as well as your own. To embrace the ch8se is to envoke positive conversations, to share and to receive. To embrace the ch8se is to stop, look up and let go. To embrace the ch8se is to invite, and allow the roar of the mighty waterfall to drown the noise in your head, and even the unhealthy noise in your heart. To embrace the ch8se is more than a hike in the woods, to embrace the ch8se is a personal journey, a private healing, a private release, in a very sacred space. Birthed out of pain, growing on purpose in power, the ch8se is an intentional interruption of hurt, and anything contrary to growth. The ch8se is an adventure, it is a movement, and it is to be embraced.

Encouraging the ladies to embrace the ch8se led us to the focus of the day. The placement of our intentions for this ch8se was to focus and leave it all behind. We encouraged the ch8sers to each identify a leaf, that she would carry with her throughout the hike. Each of us were to focus our energies in the leaf. While focusing, we were to intentionally transfer the energy of anything, or anyone we are leaving behind into that leaf. The instructions were to physically rub those energies into the leaf with each step we took. During the challenging moments along the hike, when we needed both hands free, we would stick the leaf in a safe place, and once we were safe, we would continue to transfer it all into that leaf.

I know for a fact some of the ladies had to get second and third leaves because theirs either crumbled under the pressure of their transfer, or they accidentally released it during a photo shoot. Either way, we picked up another leaf and continued to transfer it all. I for one crumbled mine under the pressure, found another and kept transferring.

Once we reached the waterfall, we pause, and embrace its beauty. We take countless selfies, and pics, before we head to the bridge for the release ceremony. Here is where I encourage the ladies to gather their thoughts and transfer it all into the leaf. Encouraged to focus on their transfer, the ladies are led to lift their leaves in their left hand, gather their intentions, and pray. On the count of three, after transferring and praying, each of us released the weighted leaves into the eternal flow of the waterfalls. We released relationships, heartache, disappointments, regrets, poor habits, procrastination, excuses, anger, and so much more. We released it all. Not only did we each have our individual, personal releases, we were 22 strong, standing in solidarity, on a bridge which crossed over a waterfall so powerful it has likely carried those leaves on into another dimension. Just picture it, transferring everything, and anything undesirable into an object that is then transported so far out of reach that there is no way for you to go back and pick it up. Just imagine it. That's exactly what we did. Released it all to never pick it up again. This, the second year of the release, is by far, one of the most powerful exercises to date. December 31, 2017 was the first time we did the release, where we had 37 ch8sers. This location proves to be the perfect place for the release, and may be the end of year tradition. We'll see.

Thanks chapter 28 for yielding and releasing with me. You are amazing.

I have to tell you this one last thing. Once more, the weather Gods always shine in favor of the ch8se, always. If you've read any of our blogs, you have heard me say this. It either rains before, or after our ch8ses, never during. There was literally only one time when we were rained on the entirety of a ch8se, even then we did not stop. We know no quit.

When Rhonda and her husband scouted this location, it was bone dry. It had not rained in weeks, and we were concerned that the ch8sing waterfalls would be a hike in the woods to a place where there normally is a beautiful waterfall. But true to ch8sing favor, it rained for days prior to the ch8se and the waterfall was roaring so loudly, it literally drowned out everything, and anything in your head. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. I can show you better than I can tell you. Here are the pictures of the scout versus the ch8se. See what I mean? From bone dry to perfection.

We concluded the days adventures like always, with lunch. It is during lunch that we solidify the new relationships, we reflect and we share. Lunch took us back to Buckner's Family restaurant. We each shared our take away from the ch8se and the majority agreed that the sisterhood is always one of their favorite experiences, every time. Someone mentioned just being in nature doing things many of us did not do, nor ever thought of doing when we were much younger. Another sister mentioned how therapeutic ch8sing waterfalls is. While another reflected on how loud the waterfall was, and how it's power drowned out the thoughts in her head. I believe we all agreed with her. And another sister spoke of how much she was in awe of the genuine kindness of every ch8ser and member of GirlTrek she has encounterd. She expressed how it can be challenging to find a group of women and everyone is nice, considerate, and just down right good folk. One sista shared the 2020 dates she is not available to ch8se in an attempt to make sure this ch8se champion does not schedule a ch8se on either of those dates. We each reflected and the consensus is that ch8singwaterfalls is one of the best things that has happened to us. We agree that it is powerful and infectious, and yes even addictive, so much so that we can't wait for the next one. Many of us agreed, like a kid before Christmas day, we don't sleep the night before, and we wake excited and anxious to get the ch8se started. All of these sentiments blesses my socks off every time. Thank you Queens.

Of course I could ramble on and on; however, I am so sure you've got the picture by now, that Ch8sing Waterfalls is an epic life changer, healing hearts, soothing souls, building relationships and procuring joy, one adventure at a time.

Chapter 29 is to be narrated on January 1, 2020. We plan to start the new year in a new location, with new experiences.

Until we ch8se again, Your Ch8se Champion

Deborah McGlawn aka Dynamic Deb


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