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Chapter 7.1- (4.7.18) The Diamond In The Rough - Cascade Springs Nature Preserve

That's Awesome Ay Jay with her hands up on the pic below. She was the creative lead for this mini waterfall ch8se, as she calls it. She was familiar with this area and so kindly shared it with us all. This was another rainy day, though one that couldn't keep the GirlTrek gangsters away from the ch8se.

Do you see the plush, greenery behind us? It was this plush, this lush, and spectacularly beautiful throughout the entire trail. It was pure, untouched awesomeness. The path was wet and slippery, yet inviting and kind. There were hidden, and apparent treats along the way.

We found our Wakanda wall, and captured a bomb picture that GirlTrek used in one of their national posts, that garnered over thousands of likes. There were so many dope moments on this ch8se that were captured in our pictures, that you will just have to hop over to the photo gallery to see for yourself. This ch8se was so sweet for several different reasons. Little did the ladies know, it was perfect timing for me, as I need some nature therapy, and I found out later, so did another one of our sisters. It amazes me how healing is always right there within us, and surrounding us, perfectly and gently.

This mini waterfall ch8se led us through areas that were questionable, yet exciting. We ventured through the green spaces that led us to the cute little pumping well which greeted us along the way. We had church in the open air sanctuary, smack dab in the middle of the nature preserve. We discovered a neat rock formation that someone took the meticulous time to create, whose story nearly ended with our visit. We coined a little pool area, the baptismal pool, after we left the alter, it just seemed appropriate.

This was and is a beautiful trail. Just as I thought it could not get any better, you hear the rushing water flowing beside you, look up and there is the best surprise ever. Yes, Ay Jay had led us to the waterfall. It had been raining, so the waterfall, the air, the sounds, the entire experience walking up to the fall was absolutely perfect.

I was ready this time, ya'll. I had found my husbands waterproof hiking boots in the garage, and I was laced and ready to go. No mud, no slipper rocks, no water falling would keep me and Dora, my other, alter ego, from climbing to the top of the waterfall, and entering the tunnel. Oh, yes! The climb was energetically perfect! It was exactly what I needed. You see, my morning was more than a bit challenging, so the climb was the perfect process for me to work it out. And I did. This pic is of Electric Erica, Energizer Ellen, and Dynamic Deb, after climbing to the top of the waterfall, striking another Wakanda / GirlTrek forever pose. Ya'll this beautiful spot was just perfect. I can't wait to go back there on a dry day, and just sit and soak in the air until I've absolutely had enough. Heck, I may just take plastic to sit on, just in case. I look forward to a repeat trek at this beauty.

Until we ch8se again. Stay tuned.......

Deborah McGlawn

1 Comment

Jun 07, 2018

This Ch8se was short and sweet but with lots if fun and laughs.. Just what our souls needed. Always a great time #ch8singwaterfalls.. Thanks Deb .

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