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Ch. 8 - Vickery Creek Falls (4.15.18) "Blessed Are The Flexible, for She Will Not Break!" Tarri

Now, Tarri may not be the originator of this quote; however, she is the one who shared it appropriately during chapter 8. This ch8se was originally planned to happen at Vogel State Park. We were headed to Helton Creek Falls, which, for most of us was a two hour drive. The drive is common; however, the weather was not favorable. There was a 60% to 100% prediction of thunder showers. I had considered changing the location; due to the weather; however, indecisive, I waited until the morning of to get the consensus of the group.

By the time we had about five cars at the Publix meet up parking lot, and two cars on the road, a quick discussion, and group efforts to contact everyone, a decision was made to do a closer, local trek. The unpredictable weather, and the two hour drive was weighing heavy on me, and not exactly what I wanted to do, nor did I want everyone else on the road for what is planned to be a great time. Driving two hours in hard rain is just not attractive, nor is it worth it. The park will be there when the weather is better.

We collectively decided to revisit Vickery Creek Falls at Roswell Mills in Roswell, GA. The drive was thirty to fourty-five minutes for all. This location was the first ch8se location, this was chapter one of the ch8singwaterfalls series. However, the trail we would take would be totally different than before, because this trek was led by the Awesome Ay Jay, who had scouted it out on an earlier adventure of her own.

Be it rain, or shine, we ch8se on time. As you can see, we are all dawned in our protective gear, and ready to ch8se. Fifteen of us met up at the covered bridge, and prepared to ch8se. We covered the walk before the talk, as always. We introduced ourselves, and secured a head count. No ch8ser, no trekker, no sister is ever left behind. Can you see the super shero shine on these sista's? Ya'll we were hype and ready. We set our alarm clocks, packed our backpacks, set out our rain gear, the night before, and we rose with intention, we rose with purpose, we rose on a mission to ch8sewaterfalls, be it rain, or shine, and we did.

We welcomed four new ch8sers, and welcomed back one of our seasoned trekkers, who hadn't been out in a while. We had trekkers who were on their second, third, and fourth trek, and some who couldn't remember how many, because they are our addicted ch8sers, who roll out whenever, and wherever the ch8se leads us.

This trek proved, once more, that Black Girl Magic is more powerful than power itself. Black Girl Magic and Black Girl Healing in the woods of GA is an incredible movement. We are admired by all that we encounter. We are celebrated by those in line with our efforts, and we are supported by our families, we are GirlTrek and we ch8sewaterfalls.

Not only was I excited to explore different routes along this trail, I was humbled, I was blessed to share it with fourteen other women who share my passion. I was with women who didn't care if their hair got wet, who wasn't afraid of stepping in the mud, and women, who welcomed the liquid sunshine. These sista's brought out their rain gear, their walking sticks, hiking poles, waterproof boots, umbrellas and super shero attitudes, and tackled the mud and the hills like the champs they are.

Before we were halfway into the ch8se, as with most ch8ses, our God held the rain. The sprinkle turned into a little spit, which suddenly evaporated, and was no more. We began peeling off the rain gear, and welcomed the dryness of the ch8se. Along the way, we talked of how determined we were to come out and ch8se, despite the rain. We were reminded of other ch8ses that started with rain, which quickly stopped, and made room for our ch8se. We were reminded of the ch8ses where the rain was held over until we got in our cars, and were headed home. Here is where Tarri gave us the quote, which encouraged me to no end. "Blessed is she who flexible, for she will not break." This was the most appropriate quote for this trek.

The ladies had prepared to drive out to Vogel State and instead, flexed right into the new plan and showed up ready. The trek was fantastic. The ch8se was exceptional and the company was perfect. Together, we came, we saw, and yes, we conquered. We managed a successful adventure without anyone falling, or there being any injuries; however, we did temporarily loose a member of our family. Pole Griffin wanted to be free and one again, with his kin. Pole Griffin escaped the hands of his mother, and slid right down the hill to what he thought would be his final resting place. Little did little Pole Griffin realize that daddy was coming to get his lil butt from out the woods. So though Pole Griffin was a runaway for a few days, I'm happy to report, daddy took care of that and he has been safely reunited with his mother.

Eventually, I will update the gallery here to showcase some of the great pictures captured during the ch8ses, but until then, let me share this last one with you and look forward to the others to come. This space, this place along the ch8se was the most befitting for this day. As I type, I could be speaking of either the picture above this paragraph, or the one below; however, the one below is what I speak of. You see, after we have all seen the Black Panther movie, we are all here for the Wakanda Forever movement. We find pride in the phenomenal strength of the black community illustrated so powerfully in Black Panther, that we transfer that energy whenever, and as often as we can. This picture was taken prior to reaching the actual waterfall. It was so perfect, and with this I conclude the blog for this ch8se.

Until we ch8se again. Stay tuned.....

Deborah McGlawn


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