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Ch.25 - The Repeat That Wasn't

The Exceptional Eight

September 21, 2019 the exceptional eight started our day at the Busby Park and Ride meet up. The three car caravan headed to Rock City, TN to visit the beautiful Twin River Falls. Of the eight, only two of us had visited this location during the bEarthDay ch8se in June, myself, of course and my Lovely Lynne. I love me some lovely Lynne, ya'll. I think she has #ch8sed every adventure with me with the exception of maybe two or three. I'll have to research that.

Nevertheless, we set out on our adventure, and though this was the second visit to this location, by no means was it the same ch8se that we embraced. Honestly, no matter, how many times we visit this location, the ch8se will never be the same.

We make it to our destination, park, and this ch8se champion hails down the park ranger, who is on his way out, and she asks for advice on the trails, in an effort to take a different route, of course. This location provides a beautiful, walk up, in your face waterfall, that does not require I hike at all. Twin River Falls is a beautiful, park and go location, where you can actually park your car, get out in flip flops, and walk to the top of a flight of stairs and see the spectacular falls. But where is the hike, right? Exactly.

The hike is all part of embracing the ch8se, so instead of walking straight to the falls, the ranger suggested we visit the lower canyons. This was what Rhonda was talking about, and what I had seen in her pictures, but I did not discover on the first visit. Oh, but #ch8sers, we discovered it on this trip. You see what I mean, same location, completely different experience, different ch8sers, and different embrace.

Ya'll, it was all I could do to persuade the ch8sers to restrain from looking to their immediate right, towards the roar of the waterfall, and focus straight ahead to their left. You see, had they looked to their right, they would have immediately seen the waterfall, as we were walking to the lower canyon. In true embrace of the ch8se, no one looked. After a two and a half hour drive, they did not to just walk up on the piĆØce de rĆ©Ā·sisĀ·tance, we needed the ch8se. It was perfect, and absolutely hilarious, and so worth it.

We found ourselves in the midst of the most beautifully vegetated area, with the magical sounds of the waterfall in our midst. We happened upon fantastic natural wall structures, and lovely trails, at the entrance of a mini grand canyon. Well, maybe not a mini grand canyon, but since I haven't been to the grand canyon, that's what I'm going to call it for now. Just go with it, ok. It was so sweet, so peaceful, yet, a lil stank with the green moss and yuck, but really impressive.

We stood for a moment in wander, and countless selfies, videos, and pics determined to find a way to get closer, and yes, of course we did. Leave it to a ch8ser, where there is a safe way, and a will, there we will be also. We made our way safely to the bottom of the canyon, sat and enjoyed the beauty, and embraced the ch8se. There was a mini water fall in this area also. It was very nice; however, no comparison to what awaited the ch8sers on the other side.

After quiet moments of reflection, a few dope pics, complements of the tripod and remote control, and anticipation of what awaited on the other side, we grab our gear and head to the sweet spot. I did my best to prepare the ladies, and entice their anticipation for what they were about to witness; however, words were not just, the Awesome AyJay's fall to her knees, after descending the stairs truly says it all. Twin River Falls is a gorgeous and powerful space, well worth the drive.

We commence to embracing this moment of the ch8se, capture it in our own ways, and set our minds on hiking along side the falls to explore the area, in an attempt to get closer to the falls. While taking our last group pic, a young lady offers to take our pic for us, as if our tripod and remote control game wasn't strong enough. Ha. She wanted to help, so why not?

Little did we know, she was sent for more than taking our pic, she was there with valuable ch8se information. See she, like everyone else has to know who we are, and where we come from, sooooo, we tell them. We shared the mission of GirlTrek and that we were out ch8sing waterfalls, and that struck a nerve. She asks, "well did ya'll go to Burgess Falls?" Um, well no, we didn't, I saw it in my research, and had not planned on going, but girrrrlllll, tell me more. She says, "it's only thirty minutes from here." Say what? Ok ch8sers, huddle up, shall we walk along side of this piĆØce de rĆ©Ā·sisĀ·tance or do we pack up and take the thirty minute drive to ch8se an unplanned, location we have not scouted?

You know what it is. Yep, we packed up the caravan and took our GirlTrek gangsta to Burgess Falls. As we exited our vehicles, we ran into a group of ladies, who many had their professional cameras, and appeared to be photography students. In talking with them, we learned that they were a newly formed group of hikers. They were intrigued by GirlTrek and Ch8sing Waterfalls, and were excited to take away the idea of getting shirts of their own. They recognized the sea of electric blue immediately, and were enamored by our beauty. We exchanged information, and spoke of potentially meeting up at a future ch8se location.

Ya'll, these brown faces, in these green spaces are enticing conversations beyond our ancestors wildest dreams, ya hear me?

Now back to Burgess Falls.

Listen Linda, listen, let me tell ya, this ch8se champion was beyond elated that we had run into that messenger, because Burgess Falls was that unsuspecting gift on your bEarthday, from an unlikely friend, that absolutely took your breath away. We hiked, embraced, climbed, explored, descended, ascended, and embarked upon a space so fantastic, it had not one, not two, but four waterfalls along the 3 or 4 mile hike.

There was an area that allowed us to take our shoes off, have a seat, and dip our toes in the cool healing waters. We cleansed our stones, cleared our minds, and yes, sista, #embracedthech8se. We sat, we smiled, and we took it all in. It was as though we had hit the waterfall lottery, and were stunned by its awesomeness.

Hey, exceptional eight, am I right? Burgess Falls was the perfect surprise to wrap up the day.

By now, the originally planned lunch spot was closer to the first location, so after a quick search, we took our lunch back to the 1885 Grill in Chattanooga. This proved to be a great idea, as we were an hour closer to the meet up spot, and just close enough for a snap after lunch. A snap, what's that? You see, it's the marriage of a snooze and a nap. It's just a little shy of a nap, and a little longer than a snooze. Yep, I made it up. Take a snap, gurl, it will change your life. Cute, right. Anyway, we enjoy our meal, leave with the infamous pimento cheese, and make our way back.

Did I mention this ch8se welcomed two new ch8sers, and two return ch8sers to the fam? Oh, and in true #EmbraceTheCh8se fashion, we stopped to enjoy the picturesque, mountainous view on our drive home? It's not just the waterfall we embrace, it's the adventure.

Now, by now, we have just finished chapter 26, on October 12th in Roswell. Perhaps you too will #EmbraceTheCh8se. Check out the events section of this site for our next ch8se locations.

Until we ch8se again.

Love, Peace & Waterfalls

Your Ch8se Champion

Dynamic Deb / Deborah McGlawn

1 Comment

Tee Flemons
Tee Flemons
Oct 14, 2019

As usual, an Exceptional Account of an Exceptional Ch8se! ch8singwaterfalls, to Live for!

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