
This blog, was written by our guest blogger, Ieshia Brown-Lumpkin. Ieshia recounts the details of the first time she has ever hiked which happened to also be her first ch8se with our Ch8sing Waterfalls community. She shared this recollection on Facebook:

"......... I got the opportunity to go on my first 5 miles plus hike. One of the ladies captured this picture of me at the Falls. Every emotion of my life and the challenges I had endured throughout some tough phases made me SUPER EMOTIONAL.

I began to relive those moments and EMBR8CE those wins. Grateful for where I am today is an understatement. It's okay to show your vulnerable moments sometimes especially with a TRIBE of women that wholeheartedly want to see you win.

Every woman's success should be an inspiration to another. We're stronger when we cheer each other on. Support, Encourage, Compliment and cheer on fellow females in both your personal and business life with grace, class and love.

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming we lose excitement of possibilities. Dreaming after all is a form of planning. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

Have a WINNING remainder of you week. Remember to do something different that will inspire you and your tribe.
